I got a new mouse and manage to start creating a new song, but then, it stopped working... After some research I found out that it was an out of date driver, if only I knew earlier... Now all I can do is just wait and hope it starts working again... I might be stuck on my Android tablet for a while... Which means its a lot harder to create any songs (still possible) and Impossible to create any videos... (The video editor I use is for computers only as well as what I use to record)
this means throughout this whole six weeks, I won't get anymore done infact, LESS than when I also had to deal with school... Talking about school... I AM COMPLETELY UNABLE TO DO THE HOMEWORK NOW... This is literally a NIGHTMARE!!!
And thats not the worst part... I DON'T KNOW WHEN IT WOULD GET FIXED! I can't just use another laptop... All my data and stuff is all on the laptop I use, using another would mean I will have to abandon everything on my laptop... Also If your wondering... I did get a new USB port for the mouse which is now just as useless as the mouse... Also, I can't even play the one game I play the most, GD... It's not available for my device... Well... Just 2.2, and I don't want to ask my parents to get me the game for the 4th time... I am now unable to use Blender... And while I don't have that much experience 3D modelling, it's still fun...
And there is many other problems caused by this catastrophe... But for the sake of my own sanity... I would just have to adapt to this for the time being... Hopefully this doesn't go on for too long...
I will post an update if I can use my laptop again
I also did accidentally say Ipad... I'm using an Android tablet