With the help of my sister, she somehow fixed my laptop and I can use it now! I probably should've paid attention to when she fixed it, but I can use it again now! Now I have to catch up on everything I've been unable to do for being unable to use my laptop for a whole week, plus a part of a day because It's Thursday.
Also if your wondering why now my sister decided to fix my laptop instead of a long time ago, she just wants me to play Minecraft with her. Also the touchpad is also working so... I didn't even need a new mouse in the first place, sorry for my parents who have bought me something I no longer need... I still will use it because It's easier than the touchpad
Anyways this should be the last one of these updates I've been posting, I should have no more problems with the mouse or touchpad here on out! :D
Edit: If the touchpad doesn't work on my login I just have to restart the laptop, also the mouse stopped working so I can only use the touchpad now